My Story
My name is Artur and I've been dealing with health issues for FAR too long. I've gone through three intense battles with burnout professionally, and ultimately, have allowed myself to be weakened for a VERY VERY long time.
I recently stumbled on an email that I sent to my best friend in 2013. It's TEN YEARS LATER, and I still feel the same way... that is impossible. I have decided to complete a health and life transformation to finally feel pain-free and live in the moment. I hope to have a positive impact on the world one day. But you must heal yourself before you heal the world.
I've decided to use this blog to keep myself accountable and document my journey ...
I believe I will help others in the same way one day :)
This is my purpose.
I will one day be a bomb Life, Health & Business Coach
Get in touch so we can start working together.